Thoughts from Max, Grandson.

Created by Cath one month ago

My nan is the best person in history, she is the most kind, caring and selfless person that I know. I know nan will be smiling down on us all and guiding us every step of the way. The only word that can begin to describe how much I love nan is infinitely. I love nan beyond galaxies and galaxies and will miss you more than words can describe. 
One of my favourite memories of nan, is when I was younger, we used to get on the bus into town and nan would spoil us with endless amounts of toys and sweets.

Another fond memory would be having a sleepover at nans house. Nan would put a selection of biscuits on the bedside table in case we woke up hungry in the middle of the night. We would all wake up early to go downstairs to play with nans dog Bryn. Love from Max.